18 September 2004

Just as the George Harrison album promises, all things must pass.

I am now the proud owner of something that looks like a small peppercorn. Hopefully, it doesn't have any friends back at home.

Not surprisingly, I am feeling much better. Given how this one felt, I can only imagine what it's like having one that requires surgery. Let's hope that stays in the imagination. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

All this discussion of you rifling through your stool reminds me I have had a Paul McCartney CD of Sarah's for going on several years ... I suspect it got left in a college bowl van at some point.

I'll get it back to her at some point.


Greg said...

Congratulations on getting that over with quickly. My dad had a kidneystone incident one thanksgiving when we were visiting relatives in Iowa--bad scene as the drugs made him nauseated. Katie and I were still in grade school, I think...I've never been so scared for either parent.

So between our woes, and Chris getting hitched, what sort of malady wil befall Shawn this autumn?

Mark said...

First, let me note that the idea of checking my stool for a kidney stone makes me glad Cooch is in journalism rather than medicine.

As far a Shawn-based malady, I suppose something Vegas-related would fit the bill. Unfortunately, he's not flying America West, which would have guaranteed some sort of problem for him (then again, that's why he doesn't fly them anymore). I'll have to think about this.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...