02 September 2004

Blogging over the last week or so has been a little difficult, given that the site's been down. I kept up with it during the Olympics (though it may be of little interest now), but have taken most of this week off.

The problem, as I understand it, is that another site hosted on our server had a security issue, and the company in charge of things took the entire server down to check for problems and otherwise make sure it was secure to their satisfaction. Our original company got bought out, which from what I'm getting second-hand has been the start of our problems.

In any event, once you get to read this we'll he hosted elsewhere and will likely have a new domain name. That assumes the current jackasses actually allow us to get our files so we can transfer them over.

Not much new to report right now. Getting bored with home, especially as one of our neighbors in the next building over has a propensity for yelling. You've heard of indoor-outdoor carpet, she has indoor-outdoor voice. It is most often used when dealing with her son, who is like Dennis the Menace with a crew cut. He also has a little gang of friends, one of whom has a Razor scooter which sounds like it's about to lose a wheel. It's better now that school's back in session, but I hope they're going away for the long weekend.

(UPDATE: As you can see, I'm back. New host, new domain, which hopefully others will change their links to reflect in short order.)


Mark said...

And as you can see I've adopted Blogger's comment widget, though I'm not sure why I'm not allowing anonymous comments. I'll have to fix that.

This does mean all previous comments are gone, though I don't think that's a huge loss (with apologies to anyone who treasured a particularly witty comment, albeit I don't think that's a huge group).

Mark said...

Good news: anyone can now comment.

Bad news: the home link on the comment page takes you into a directory listing rather than back to the home page. Not sure how to fix that, but I'm looking.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...