28 October 2004


Greg said...

"Like my Halloween costume, guys? I'm a crown roast!"

Allyson said...

Greg, this isn't one of Craig Barker's caption contests! Though I think if it was, you should win. Heck, Mark should sacrifice one of the TRASH Regionals prizes and send it to you instead. After all, what do we need with another piece of a defunct team's detritus -- I mean memorabilia?

Allyson said...

Greg, this isn't one of Craig Barker's caption contests! Though I think if it was, you should win. Heck, Mark should sacrifice one of the TRASH Regionals prizes and send it to you instead. After all, what do we need with another piece of a defunct team's detritus -- I mean memorabilia?

Greg said...

I was just looking around the condo and thinking that a size 24 shoe nailed to a board was just the thing missing...

Craig Barker said...

"All right guys, Nerf basketball, frat house rules, miss a shot, do a shot."

Anonymous said...

I swear, it's comment strings like these that keep me, against my better judgement, from retiring from TRASH play.


Anonymous said...

"I am King of the Sea Monkeys!"


For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...