06 April 2005

Thing #4 That I've Done That You Likely Have Not

Blogged about my honeymoon while still on my honeymoon.

I doubt that I'm alone on this one generally, but as far as people I know go most of my friends who are married wed in pre-blog times.

Had we not been trying to follow the ALCS I don't know if I'd have blogged. Then again, public internet locations in Killarney are cheap and plentiful. So perhaps I would have just blogged less.


James said...

But was the Mrs. thrilled that you were blogging during the honeymoon?

Mark said...

The missus was at the computer next to mine, reading about the Sox and checking her work email. So it all worked out.

Anonymous said...

I even responded to work emails while on honeymoon, so the Mr. and I were even.

Mrs. Coen

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