05 October 2009

Book Log 2009 #35: The Domino Men by Jonathan Barnes

This book is an indirect sequel to The Somnambulist, in that it takes place in the same universe and involves some of the same characters and organizations, but is not a continuation of the first book's story. It's also set about a century later, taking place in the present day.

And, really, I think both of those last two points work to the sequel's detriment. The new story - about an office drone who becomes the key person in stopping the House of Windsor from turning Britain over to a nefarious being called Leviathan - doesn't quite measure up to the mystery from the first book. And without period detail to enhance (or cover the weaker spots of) the story, I found myself less drawn in. There's also a subplot written by a "second" narrator regarding the Prince of Wales that didn't do much for me, other than tip where things were heading as I got towards the end of the book.

I suppose I was also a little disappointed that this book wasn't going to answer some of my lingering questions from the first one, especially about the first book's mysterious title character. Perhaps a third book will take care of that?

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