17 October 2009

Book Log 2009 #42: The Man With the Iron Heart by Harry Turtledove

In 1942, SS officer Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated in occupied Czecheslovakia. This book theorizes what would have happened if Heydrich survived the attack and took leadership of the Werwolf insurgency plan that, in real life, did little to hamper the Allies at the end and after the war.

Not surprisingly, the insurgency in the book bears a strong resemblance to that seen during the US occupation of Iraq. I tend to think it's a little too strong. I don't doubt that proper planning and leadership would have allowed the Nazis to put forth a credible terror threat, but it does seem like Heydrich is operating more along al Qaeda's playbook than anything he'd have learned in the German military.

I also wasn't crazy about the domestic subplot, though I have a hard time putting a finger on why at this point.

It's worth a read, but I was a little disappointed.

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