21 March 2003

I just heard three things on Fox News Channel that almost caused my frontal lobe to liquefy.

1. The older male talking head closed a report from the Pentagon with "Sadaam, beware the Ides of March!" A little over the top, but at least it had some context based on the report (which theorized on Sadaam's inner circle and fifth columnists within it).

2. The younger male talking head said that protesters had to be "roughed up" because they were breaking the law by blocking traffic and not moving. There's road rage, and then there's road rage.

3. The female talking head started to gush about how the anti-war movement is funded by Castro and dictators. On the one hand, this isn't exactly a new idea; the Soviets clearly were involved in various peace movements in western Europe into the 1980s. On the other hand, the true believer delivery was breathtaking. She actually reminded me of the female half of this duo.

I will say that I think I was an unintentional benefactor from yesterday's protest in Boston. Sarah and I went up to Manchester to see our priest again to work on some wedding stuff, and traffic was relatively light on Storrow Drive (only came to a complete stop 2 or 3 times). I have to think that some of their traffic-blocking was responsible for keeping cars out of our path. Thanks, protesters!

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