01 March 2003

A quick note on American Idol: the wild-card show is this Tuesday, and what's interesting is that 4 of the 9 participants weren't even among the semifinalists. They're folks who didn't get out of Glendale, but who the judges think may have gotten a raw deal. If nothing else, it illustrates the scientific manner in which they choose people.

Back from previous semifinals are camera whore Kimberly Caldwell (I'm going to call her that every time I mention her on the hopes of becoming the highest-ranked search for "camera whore Kimberly Caldwell" on Google), Clay (the goofy loking guy), Chip (who I picked for last week's final 3 but who got beaten out by faux-rocker Patrick), and two single-namers, Nasheka and Trenyce.

And, as now required for every show lumped under the "reality" banner since Joe Millionaire, we're promised a "twist." Maybe Simon's going to pop the question to Paula?

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