22 July 2003

It's time for America's favorite game show... Fun With the Federales!

This week's episode features the Secret Service investigating the possible threat of an editorial cartoon that, despite its appearance, is actually pro-W.

I have two thoughts on this.

1. I suppose I should appreciate the literal-mindedness of the Secret Service, but unless the artist, Michael Ramirez, actually knows someone named "Politics" I don't think there's much of a threat.

(Then again, there was that NewsRadio episode where one of Bill MacNeil's broadcasts brought about the beating of a New Yorker named Joe Vigilante.)

2. I'm not sure if the cartoon is a case of overstatement or not. I can understand Ramirez's position, but part of me thinks the current situation isn't as dire as that of the original photo. There must be some sort of corrollary to Godwin's Law that covers this.

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