26 August 2004

Can we let this gymnastics thing die? The competition has been over for days, yet NBC is compelled to continue beating the dead horse. I know Paul Hamm's been taking a beating over the last couple of days, but was the 15 minute puff piece at the end of tonight's prime-time broadcast necessary? It's not like the American public needs the propaganda to change its image of him.

Which makes me wonder what sort of fluffy bit we'll get about the men's 200 meter sweep, to make up for the crowd's temporary hijacking of the event. Maybe we'll just get some sort of smug words about Kenteris, a la Al Trautwig's catty remarks after the Korean gymnast involved in the all-around kerfuffle messed up his individual high bar routine (along the lines of "Paul Hamm never did that.")

Tom Hammond speculated that part of the problem last night was that at least on Greek newspaper implied that the US was behind the whole Kenteris thing. That conventiently ignores the past issues with him making drug tests and his rather spotty appearances on the world track stage since Sydney, but given the current world climate regarding America, you have to figure some greater percentage than normal of regular people are willing to believe nonsense.

Speaking of nonsense, I'm more irritated by the Bush Olympic ad now that his campaign said it's not going to pull it. If I made an ad, and the people who I'm touting voice strong opinion against it, why would you keep running it? You've gotten your publicity, now act like you actually care about the folks whose country you've invaded.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...