28 August 2005

While I've not read the whole thing, there is an article in today's Boston Globe that posits that it would have been better for the Sox to lose the World Series last year. The thesis seems to be that any team can win a World Series (Cubs notwithstanding), but losing them, especially in dramatic fashion, is much harder.

Clearly the author is missing the point that you play the games in the hopes of winning the championship. If you want heart-wrenching endings, go to the opera.


The Grim Reaper said...

I want to rip this guy, I really do, but the sheer stupidity of his premise has sucked all capacity to give him the bashing he deserves. It's like he created a black hole that has captured rationale thought. Failing that: Scott Stossel, you're an f'ing moron and you have no business calling yourself a Red Sox fan. You should have stuck a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger last year after the ALCS to preserve that perfect moment. Idiot. Can you imagine the heartache of New England if they had fallen to the Cardinals after their miracle comeback? 1975, 1946, 1967, 1986 and 2003 would have seemed like hangnails. The only tragedy of the World Series was that it served to give this jackass something to write about.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, he's far from the only guy who has written this story ... during and right after the playoffs, I can think of at least three others who said the similar "If the Sox win it, everything is ruined."

I see their point, but at the same time, the whole Red Sox Nation bullshit is what ruined it. Duh.

Mark said...

You heard a lot of the "now what?" stuff around the World Series, which almost makes sense given the new ground being covered. To dredge it up now, though, is just plain stupid. As we can all attest, the world hasn't ended and Sox fandom is no less passionate (and barely less fatalistic) than in pre-2004 days.

I like the idea of Red Sox Nation a lot better than the real-world application. Speaking of which, you can fill out a real-world application to become a card-carrying member of RSN, something I'd not known until seeing an ad for it last night. Ugh.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...