13 July 2008

Book Log 2008 #28: The Sunrise Lands by S. M. Stirling

The Change that put an end to electricity as we know it continues, but now with a new generation taking the lead. This is the first of a four book series that follows Rudi Mackenzie, the son of two leaders in post-Change Oregon, as he travels east with a group of new and familiar characters to go to Nantucket, where all of this Change business seems to have started.

Not sure if I'm fully on board with this jump yet, but I do like that it opens up more of what happened across the US. A fair bit of this book (and of the one to come, at least) deals with a church/cult that's taken hold in Montana and is growing in strength thanks to the involvement of Ted Kaczynski.

If you've read the previous series you might as well read this one.

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