19 December 2016

Book Log 2016 #11: Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin

So as you might have noticed, I've been pretty quiet until recently with regards to the Book Log. For this I blame Goodreads, which has allowed me to keep track of what I've read on my phone (where, coincidentally, I've been doing most of my reading) and even give a quick rating. This reduced the need to hurry out to the blog to put in a placeholder entry before I forgot what I'd read, and so here we are with me trying to recap 30-some odd books in December.

And as you can imagine, the time between reading and writing makes it difficult at best to come up with anything meaningful. I vaguely remember liking this, the second book in the Rebus series, but couldn't tell you much more than the blurb I've linked to above (and couldn't have even told you that much before Googling the title and Ian Rankin).

That being said, I remember liking the book, but I only gave it three stars on Goodreads, so there must have been something holding me back from going higher. Feel free to read this and tell me what it was.

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