21 December 2016

Book Log 2016 #16: Bombs Away by Harry Turtledove

American forces in Korea find themselves increasingly trapped, as Chinese soldiers pour into the country to support their fraternal communist Korean allies. President Truman, looking for ways to turn the tide, takes Douglas MacArthur's advice and drops a nuclear bomb on China. The Russians don't take kindly to nuking a fraternal Communist (for now) ally, and drop their own nuclear bomb in Europe.

And so starts Turtledove's latest war alternative history, turning a relatively localized affair into a potential World War III with mushroom clouds. It's pretty much along the lines of his previous war books, and while I liked it OK I'm concerned that future books in the series will follow the game plan in previous series, wrapping actual plot around repetitive pages about the banalities of war. I'll eventually give in and read the second book.

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