13 March 2017

Lentorama 2017: Lenten Observers of Instagram

Day 11: We interrupt Lentorama to talk about me

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Yes, I posted this less to reflect on the role of music in Lent than to mention that I was in a bell choir in elementary school. Theoretically those of us in the choir scored the highest on a musical aptitude test our music teacher gave us, though it doesn't explain how I got in (I don't think I'm completely tone deaf, but I don't think I'm particularly musical, either). For whatever aptitude we were supposed to have, you really only had to be able to count to four as the teacher circled the notes we needed to play on our sheet music.

I don't remember much about the choir, other than being jealous of the kid who got to ring the large bell for... Pachibel's Canon in D Major? Finlandia? Not sure which one, but it was a showy piece for that bell, and I really liked the sound of the bell.

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