22 March 2017

Lentorama 2017: Lenten Observers of Instagram

Day 19: This is true (it's kind of how the calendar works, right?).

I posted this less for its content (which I'm assuming is a comment on how we can't get to the celebration of Easter without going through the tribulations of Good Friday), and more for its source.

Fulton Sheen was something you'd not see today - a Catholic bishop turned TV star, an Emmy winning personality who used the video pulpit to spread the Word for nearly two decades. It's surprising to me that he even got the chance to get on TV then given the greater mistrust of Catholics, but it's a sign of how popular his radio show was (and how badly the DuMont network needed to put something on air) that he got on air.

And unlike some of the current crop of TV preachers, Sheen apparently knew what he was talking about, as he earned two doctorates and was the first American to win the Cardinal Mercier Prize for International Philosophy at Leuven University.

For all that, though, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone under 60 (heck, maybe under 70) who really knows who he is. Fame apparently is fleeting.

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