12 February 2002

Moving on to issue 4A: MY CHURCH

Turns out that one of the half-dozen priests who got named in the widening scandal involving Boston-area priests who had a problem keeping their hands off of little boys was "in residence" (whatever that means) at St. James the Great in Wellesley. This, after some parish shopping, is where Sarah and I settled on for our semi-regular Sunday attendance. You can understand if we're less than enthusiastic about the way we made the papers.

Problem is that we're not big fans of the other two Catholic churches in town. One is St. John the Evangelist, which apparently draws families with young kids from the Wellesley Hills and Newton Lower Falls areas. It was the first church we went to out here, and it was OK, except for some of the detail things that tend to make or break church going. The church is oddly-shaped, with a huge wing going off at a 45 degree angle to the altar. The kneelers are padded with the least cushioning material known to man; I know my knee pain is small potatoes compared to the whole crucifixion thing, but why not just have no padding rather than make a cruel joke of it?

And there were all the kids. Many, many kids.

The other option is the nearby St. Paul Church. Problem there is that it's very high churchy, yet then goes in the completely opposite direction by SINGING THE LORD'S PRAYER. Honestly, if they just said it, I would probably be fine with the place.

Add on to this that Sarah is looking into coming over to play for our team, and needs to start some sort of adult ed program. As bad as my Sunday school was, at least it wasn't led by suspected pederasts.

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