19 February 2002

Update to a previous issue: Mike Tyson was granted a boxing license in DC today. Apparently, the Tyson camp didn't feel fighting in Georgia would be appropriate after the governor used the term "sexual predator" in discussing Tyson.

So much for there being no such thing as bad publicity.

DC's mayor, whose office has less power than your average board of selectment, sees this as an opportunity for travel-related industries to get some help, as hotels and restaurants will get fight fans for the bout. He didn't even consider the sort of boon this might be for bail bondsmen. I suppose there'll be famous people who could use some locals for their posse, too.

I am less confused about this turn of events than I am the Georgia license, as DC's local governement is notoriously screwed up. The mayor's office seems to have more control over things now, but during the second administration of Marion Barry most of the power went to a control board. In any event, if the populace elects a convicted crack used for mayor, giving a boxing permit to Mike Tyson seems like small potatoes.

Not to mention that Tyson would hardly be the most dangerous man in DC. Even Tyson should think twice before strolling down New York Avenue.

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