08 January 2003

The other interesting headline from Yahoo! is that the flu is now a bigger killer in the US than AIDS. Influenza deaths have climbed from a little over 16,000 a year 25 years ago to almost 65,000 currently. AIDS, which killed 51,000 in 1995, was listed as the cause of death for 15,000 in 2001.

Drugs, of course, are crucial in both figures. A number of drugs have helped bring down the AIDS death toll, while the flu vaccine is apparently less effective the older the person is. Meaning that the most vulnerable group gets the least benefit. What a deal!

A favorite paragraph from the article:

"Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said the news 'that influenza may be taking an even larger toll than we have realized' underscores the importance of flu shots, especially for older people."

How do we not realize how many people are dying from the flu? It's not like the number is classified. And while the shot does provide some protection, I wonder about the importance of getting a vaccine which apparently doesn't help that much. Perhaps someone should come up with a better vaccine for the elderly?

To be fair, there are other things at work here. The population now is older; for example, the story notes that the number of people 85 and over in the US has doubled since 1976. Also, current flu strains are more virulent, probably thanks to the number we did on weaker forms in the past. In a way we're the victims of our own success, I suppose.

I've gotten exactly one flu shot in my life. Against the collective wisdom of such things, I did not then get sick. Not sure what it is, but I've done pretty well in terms of not getting the flu. Bronchitis was my respiratory malady of choice when younger, as I'd get at least one case a year up into high school. Of late I've been pretty healthy, just some colds here and there. I suppose that'll turn itself around at some point. Just hope there's a better vaccine available when that happens.

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