03 June 2004

While I don't often venture into the political here, I did something today that could, for at least the short-term, change that.

I applied for a Democratic National Convention press credential.

As you may have heard, the Dems are looking for a few good bloggers to cover the convention. My guess is that they'll most likely select from the well-known political bloggers who are out there.

But I think there's value to letting in someone who is, for all intents and purposes, an amateur. I don't have a reputation to play to or a desire to enhance my "brand." My hope would be to give a "Democratically independent" view of the convention.

I'm also less of a demagogue than some, which would translate into a better level of discourse than a sound bite or a quote and snarky comment. Not that I can't do that - it has its place - but there's going to be enough of that to go around.

There is one angle I'd approach if given the chance, and that's trying to explain why an individual should care about the convention, if not the political process in general. Between the yelling and the money and the shenanigans, the average American doesn't seem all that interested in politics. I'm not sure if a convention, given its organizational nature, is the best place to try for a grass-roots awakening, but it's worth a shot.

It'd also help that I've always lived in the Boston area, and thus have that lens to examine the convention through. That may bear more fruit in the convention trappings than the convention itself.

So there it is, in at least rough form. Readers are more than welcome to make comments that would speak to my abilities to cover the convention!

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