19 June 2005

Up to Maine this weekend, not much to report from it. Had a bit of a family cookout last night, which allowed me to sample a fine locally-produced beverage or two.

We did stop to eat at the Friendly's in Augusta, and got to see a very strange selection of restaurant art. There were a variety of New England scenes - beaches, lighthouses, harbors, etc. - and in each there was a Friendly's product trying to look like it belongs there. I've never seen a Happy Ending Sundae walking along the brick townhouses of Beacon Hill, but I now know what that might look like.

Got to end the day checking out my sister in law's new apartment, which was fine except for the round trip on the Southeast Expressway. I hate that road. I would rather run my left arm through a wood chipper than drive that regularly. Makes it a good thing that I don't live on the South Shore. We also stopped for dinner at Polcari's, a local institution for Italian food that has a location on Route 1. It was OK, the glacial service being its biggest downfall. I can only imagine how slow it would have been if it were busy.


Anonymous said...

Love that Sea Dog, one of my priorities on any trip to that part of New England is a cold Blue Paw.


Greg said...

Sea Dog is not only tasty, but at $5 a six, it's (the wheat and IPA) the cheapest non-store-label beer at Trader Joe's.

N. vs. S. shores: I should send Kirsti over here to pick a fight with you.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...