07 February 2006

First, an apology to BU fans. I left last night's Beanpot game early, so as to catch the train and get home before midnight. While it all worked out for the best, I feel somewhat responsible for Harvard's comeback. I know, I wasn't on the ice or coaching, but we all know that you don't leave games early for a reason.

I shant repeat my early departure next week.

For those of you looking for a more straightforward Olympics challenge game than Fields of Bronze, you can join my group for ESPN.com's Torino Challenge. It's just like their summer game; you pick five countries and get points for their medals, multiplied by a bonus factor. So if you really think New Zealand is going to score a medal, you've got a shot at some major points.

Group name: Torch Time in Turin
Password: skeleton


Matt Bruce said...

One of these years...

Go ye mighty sons of Crim.

Mark said...

Hey, every three years you get to open against NU.

 Book Log Extra: New York Times 100 Best Books of the 21st Century The New York Times  took a break from trying to get Joe Biden to drop out...