07 February 2006

First, an apology to BU fans. I left last night's Beanpot game early, so as to catch the train and get home before midnight. While it all worked out for the best, I feel somewhat responsible for Harvard's comeback. I know, I wasn't on the ice or coaching, but we all know that you don't leave games early for a reason.

I shant repeat my early departure next week.

For those of you looking for a more straightforward Olympics challenge game than Fields of Bronze, you can join my group for ESPN.com's Torino Challenge. It's just like their summer game; you pick five countries and get points for their medals, multiplied by a bonus factor. So if you really think New Zealand is going to score a medal, you've got a shot at some major points.

Group name: Torch Time in Turin
Password: skeleton


Matt Bruce said...

One of these years...

Go ye mighty sons of Crim.

Mark said...

Hey, every three years you get to open against NU.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...