01 February 2006

While it's probably bad form to say a second place finish in bar trivia is disappointing, we did lose on the final question. That always sucks. Anyway, questions:

What celebrity was born in 1939 with the name Ralph Lipschitz? Ralph Lauren (Greg) - I managed to talk my team into answering Woody Allen, which was stupid. Had I thought about it for a second, I'd have known it was wrong. It didn't help that they played that short skirt, long jacket song which made us think it was a clue about Woody's, uh, wife. That shows you were our minds go.

What 2001 film, a cult favorite, opens with the line, "I'm voting for Dukakis."? Donnie Darko (Greg) - we had no idea. I don't think any of us saw it.

Who is the only coach to take three different schools to the NCAA division 1 men's basketball tournament Final Four? Rick Pitino (Greg) - Providence, Kentucky, and Louisville. Not BU. Oh well.

What Steven King novel opens, "Once upon a time, not so long ago, a monster came to the small town of Castle Rock, Maine.."? Cujo (Greg) - we had this, along with about a half-dozen other King books, as possible answers. We would up going with It. Not a bad guess, I mean, really, it's about a demonic clown.

Ragnar Frisch of Norway and Jan Tinbergen of the Netherlands were the first winners of what Nobel Prize, first awarded in 1969? Economics (Anon) - I was fairly certain about this, but the team wasn't so sure. We dickered a little bit about Physiology or Medicine, and in the end put the right answer, but for a medium-sized bet. Had we gotten full points... we probably still would have come in second.

Four of the 11 horses that have won the Triple Crown did so in what decade? The 1940s (Paul) - We went with the 1970s, as we could remember three of the horses and figured we were forgetting the fourth. In actuality we got all of the 1970s Triple Crown winners. Whoops. It didn't help that I mentally assigned at least one of the winners from the '40s to the '50s. Damn nags.


Greg said...

1. Ralph Lauren.

#2 is Donnie Darko.

#3. Pitino, maybe? Better to whiff than to not get the quasi-BU-related points.

#4 is Cujo, and the monster in question is the rapist/murderer in The Dead Zone.

Allyson said...

Sorry we bailed on you, but really, I'm more upset that I missed "Short Skirt, Long Jacket." I love that song! Sounds like I wouldn't have been much help on any of these questions -- maybe would have come up with Ralph Lauren, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, economics and the 1970's man.

Paul Crowley said...

The war years were good for horseracing. The 1940s.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...