31 March 2006


* The wife got some clothing in the mail today from Lane Bryant. In addition to their catalog, there was a coupon for a company that gave you $5 off an order of their mixed nuts or cookies.

* Curves, the women's fitness center/pyramid scheme, is apparently always located near food. The two here in town are within 100 feet of pizza places. There's one in Danvers across the street from McKinnon's, a market. There's one in Maine that we pass on the way to the in-laws that shares its space with some sort of eatery. And we drove by one last weekend in Worcester that was next door to a bakery.

* Similarly, the local Weight Watchers is within 100 feet of a Dunkin' Donuts, a Quiznos, and Chuck E. Cheese. The only other one I remember being at is around the corner from the Applebee's on Route 1 in Saugus.

Know your consumer, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

In my neighborhood:

Curves -- adjacent to a Baskin-Robbins and within 100 feet of a Chinese Grocery and a local greasy spoon.

Jenny Craig -- next to a grocery store.

Mark said...

The Jenny Craig thing seems even more insidious, given that you have to buy their food.

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