13 March 2007

I used to run a March Madness pool. It was reasonably successful, with a number of entries in the teens. I spent the two weeks watching games, going over brackets, and working out situations where my best bracket could still lead to victory. Let's just say that the infernal Christian Laetner shot against Kentucky is still something I care not to watch.

But as years passed, and as the usual pool entrants have moved along, I've stopped running the pool. Too hard to collect the money, and given what little I watch of college hoops now it feels like throwing money away even moreso than usual.

Even so, I find that I've used four of my five ESPN.com bracket entries. One went to Craig's group (info on his blog), one to the Deadspin group (info on their blog), one to the default group of BU fans, and one to a group set up by Matt Harper-Nixon. He said to invite anyone along that might be interested. I assume that includes some of you.

Group name: Blind Guessing is the Key
password: timesuck

I may do my last entry for fun in the "which mascot could defeat the other?" style. Learning today that buckeyes are poisonous for many creatures puts a new spin on things, for certain.

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