22 December 2003

For a while, when I would sign up for things on-line or otherwise give personal information for something spamtastic, I would use an alias rather than my given name. I'd completely forgotten about it until this past weekend, when I started to get a slew of spam at my Hotmail account that used my alias. I wonder what list left in a dusty corner of some spammer saw the light of day?

In unrelated news, today was my first day off for the two weeks we're closed at Babson. Sarah doesn't get the early part of this week, so I got to do something I've not done in some time today: goof around in the apartment on my own. Now, it's not that I like to be rid of my spouse, but I don't get that much time to be on my own.

And, in true form, I used that time to little purpose, watching TV, reading, and playing Taipan, a game based on the novel of the same name where you try to make your pile trading various things (mostly opium, if you can afford it). I did do some laundry, and made a pretty decent chicken chili. I'm thinking I'll have to attempt a chowder next, probably corn. The dining hall here does an OK one, but you can't beat homemade.

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