03 March 2004

Big surprise on American Idol, as John Stevens, the red-headed Rat Pack crooner whose attempt to sound more contemporary was a very mediocre performance of "She's Always a Woman to Me," grabbed a place in the finals as the top vote-getter from the last semifinal group. Ladies and gentlemen, we've found our Clay for this season (or, perhaps more accurately, our R. J. Helton).

To no one's surprise, the other finalist was Jasmine Trias. Showing why he makes the big bucks, Simon actually predicted this. Randy and Paula both went with Jasmine and George Huff, who wound up in third.

But not all hope is lost, as the 12 wild card participants were announced. Who are they?

George Huff, who given how weak the male contingent is has got a real shot at making the finals.

Susie Vulaca, whose performance wasn't as good as Lisa Leuschner's, but like her was caught up in apparent fan favorites getting voted through.

Tiara Purifoy, who needs to learn that less is more if you don't have more. Sarah and I also think she's the love child of L'il Kim and Penny Johnson Jerald from 24.

Marque Lynch, who was meh in the first group.

Katie Webber who was OK in the first group, but is perky and willing to flaunt her, uh, assets. That helps, especially in Simon's book.

Matt Metzger, also from the first group, who brings looks and not much voice.

Jennifer Hudson, a first grouper who reminds me a little of Kimberly Locke, but not enough to make me think she'll finish third.

Lisa Leuschner, who didn't get of the second group for reasons as yet unknown (though they apparently have something to do with "potential," which this show defines as being young, pretty, and satisfactorally able to sing).

Elizabeth Letendre, who is kind of an East Coast Katie Webber. Like I said before, she's from Sturbridge, so I have to root for her. Woo!

Eric Yoder, who is so not like Clay Aiken that he has to remind you of that fact at least three times a minute. All he has to do is sing to prove that he's not like Clay.

Jon Peter Lewis, who is Middle Earth's best known singing pen salesman.

Leah LaBelle, who dresses like a reject from Flashdance and used to go by her real last name, Vladowski. She's also in the "potential" brigade, which combined with the name change makes her my official enemy for this season. Which also makes her a lock for the finals.

No wild cards who didn't make the semis (the last 4 are from last week, BTW), apparently Carmen Rasmussen taught us all a lesson.

A week before any of them actually sing, I'm going to guess that our four finalists from this group of 12 will be George, Jennifer, Leah, and Lisa. But it's pretty much a crap shoot, especially if (as I believe will happen) America gets to pick one and each of the judges gets to pick one. I suppose I should actually wait to hear them sing to figure this out.

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