30 March 2004

I was reading just now that Fox is planning to revive Family Guy based on the sales of its DVDs and the ratings reruns get on the Cartoon Network. Boston.com then asked the question (and was seeking answers) for the question of what other shows should be brought back from the beyond.

My choices were pretty obvious ones: Futurama and Sports Night. The latter I termed more of a pipe dream given the time since cancellation, but the former seems much more possible. Personally, I like Futurama a lot more than Family Guy. And, not surprisingly, both of the shows I mentioned turn up quite a bit in the comments.

Other popular choices aren't surprising but would be even harded to pull off. My So Called Life would require one of the more dramatic re-toolings to get back on the air, but there are apparently a number of people who would like to see it tried. Keen Eddie got a lot of comment, spurred I have to think by Bravo's picking up the already produced episodes. I don't think there's a shot in hell that it'd come back as a series, but having seen it and finding it reasonably entertaining, there's a chance I'd tune in. Oh, and there's one guy who wants to bring back The Greatest American Hero, but I'll be damned if they do it without bringing back the original cast.

Lots of calls for Buffy, Angel, and Firefly, so the Joss Whedon fan club is clearly still intact. The Job got a lot of nods, too, and I have to say that I did like that one quite a bit.

But some of the shows people want to see brought back... ugh. A sampling:

* Lyon's Den (which was called "innovative," if by which you mean "we've re-edited unused Mister Sterling scripts"). Oh, yeah, there was at least one call for Mister Sterling as well.
* Hidden Hills, which would unleash Paula Marshall on us again... until she gets the show re-cancelled.
* Malibu Shores. WTF?
* Dark Angle, where Jessica Alba apparently turns into an ass-kicking geometry teacher.
* Jack & Jill because people whose names don't match their gender are cool.
* Three Sisters, which made me weep for Vicki Lewis.

And as there are almost 30 pages of comments, I'm going to stop there. It's beginning to make my head hurt, and not just because I left my glasses at home.

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