02 March 2004

I wanted to take a second to remind all of you readers who live in Super Tuesday states to go out and vote today. Don't be complacent because you've been told that the presidential primary race is over. To quote future US Senator John Blutarsky, "nothing is over until we decide it is."

In Massachusetts, all 9 Democratic candidates are on the ballot, as is Lyndon LaRouche. Certainly, there's something there for everyone between those ten. The GOP has one candidate (surprise), while the Libertarian and Green (or, as they're known in Massachusetts, the Green-Rainbow Party) have 5 and 4, respectively.

Poking around the Massachusetts Secretary of State's website I also learned that just under half of all Bay State voters are unenrolled. Meaning that they can go to the polls today and vote in any of the primaries (though they then have to unenroll again, as you get assigned to the party in whose primary you vote). Anyone who fits into that category should doubly come out to the polls today, as you've got the most choice. It's not that hard to unenroll again.

Anyway, go vote!

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