30 March 2006

I was walking on campus earlier this morning and saw a sign for RA Appreciation Day. Not sure if it's today or not (given where the sign was, and the low frequency with which I pass that location, it may have been up all week), and it seems like there's no agreed on date (a cursory Google search returned three or four different ones), but if you're a resident assistant (or were one, or currently work with them), thank you for doing what is predominantly thankless work.

While I can't say I miss residence life - I'm happy to not have to assess vandalism, side-step vomit, or get called at 3 am for work-related issues - I do have a lot of fond memories and great friendships thanks to working in the field (not to mention some good stories, at least one of which doesn't relate to the unintended released of, uh, human liquid waste material). I would not trade those years for anything.

1 comment:

Paul Crowley said...

I couldn't agree more. I have my residence life experience to thank for my wonderful wife and family, not to mention the great friendships and tales to remember!

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...