03 February 2003

I got this in the email yesterday from the ticket manager of the North Shore Spirit, a new minor league team going in at Lynn's Frasier Field:

"When you registered, you said that you planned on attending less than 10 games during our first season. We are happy to know that you are looking forward to the season and plan on being at nearly all of our games."

Which, on first blush, makes me think they've got a highly abbreviated home schedule if I could go to, say, 8 games and be making almost all of their homes games.

But then I see the next paragraph, where they tout their full-season ticket plan with 46 games.

I'm not sure I'd equate less than a quarter of their home games as "nearly all," but perhaps the team's optimistic that I'll buy more tickets after I spend a few nights marveling at Northeast League baseball, which I'm sure will be fan-tastic.

If you take the time to go to the team's web site you can enter the competition to name the team's mascot... except you can't. The competition closed January 23rd, even though they've kept the link to it on the front page.

Perhaps the best thing about this team (other than their home, Frasier Field, was once condemned) is that the bench coach is Rich Gedman. Great news for those of us (though it may just have been me and fellow RA Paul Crowley) who used to call him Mr. Potato Head.

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