18 February 2004

A bit of a surprise tonight on American Idol. Camile made the finals, which was expected given her reasonable performance and the pump job done by the judges. The other finalist, surprisingly, was Matthew Rogers. Not sure which theory to go with: females wanting a guy in the finals, or Washington State alums working the phones.

Lisa Leuschner came in third, and could get asked back for the wild card. I still think she gave the best performance of the night.

The only other notable thing (though it's not that notable) was Simon taking the whiny bitch route, as he professed to not care who else qualified for the finals after predicting Camile. I think he's just mad over the continued failure of his pro-eye candy agenda. I can't wait to see what sort of pulchritudinous, tone-deaf former cuts he brings back this year.

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