10 February 2004

If you're still trying to sort out who to vote for, here's a little Presidential match-maker just in time for Valentine's Day and Super Tuesday.

I've taken it twice, and both times my top match was Dennis Kucinich. John Kerry came in second both times, too. There's a section about how important you think it is that a candidate have military and/or elected experience, and some minor changes there moved the other four around a bit, though if we were to average it'd be Dean, Edwards, Sharpton, and Clark.

W is a possible inclusion, and in the only run I included with him he finished last, and not surprisingly by a wide margin. That I'd take him over Sharpton (except in rare cases) gives the proper perspective that issue matching isn't foolproof.

Given the way things are shaping up, I may get to vote for Kucinich yet. He may be the only person on the ballot other than Kerry by the time March rolls around. Tonight will certainly help tell.

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