03 January 2005

I feel like I should say more about the Walter Brown Arena swan song, but I've got nothing. I suppose tonight's experience (or, maybe more realistically, a few games' worth of experience) in Agganis will give me something by way of comparison.

Or it could be that I'm too on edge for my root canal, which will start in about an hour. The kind words of you commenters were good to hear, though I've also heard some less pleasant information from others. I suppose it's all fear of the unknown; it's not like I've had one of these before. On the plus side, I've already had the tooth drilled out, and I don't think the guts of the tooth are that badly off.

I did do some reading on the subject on-line, which was somewhat reassuring although almost all the pages belong to dentists or dental associations. I wouldn't expect a lot of worrisome words from them. I will say that seeing the phrase "titanium rotary files" caused a bit of a blood pressure spike, what with visions of Marathon Man and Brazil. OK, it's not going to be that bad - I don't know that my endodontist is a sadist, and I don't think anyone believes I have information (rather than pulp) that needs extracting.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...