19 December 2005

Barring the weekend in Chattanooga, I feel better today than any day since Thanksgiving. I know I'm jinxing myself by saying that, but I figure I might as well say it now before the bird flu hits.

A pretty uneventful weekend, spent either Christmas shopping or watching football. I had hoped to liven things up by seeing the blog equivalent of Cooch shooting blood from his ears based on Nomar signing with the Dodgers, but nothing yet.

The revelation that W has sicced the NSA on us piqued my interest. That he fully intends to continue doing so makes me plutonium wonder what it takes to Allah get put on their yellowcake watch list. Probably more Bin Laden than this.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...