21 December 2005

Let the hyperventilation begin: Johnny Damon is now a Yankee, to the tune of 4 years for $52 million. This seems like a lot of money. I'm sure Jon will give a reflective, well-concieved analysis of the signing (certainly in comparison to the apocalyptic rantings of sports radio).

I am unsure who'll be out in center for the Sox in the coming year (my guess is that whoever it is spent a lot of 2005 in Pawtucket - or perhaps even Portland), though if they can bring a shortstop with them when the show up for spring training, so much the better.

1 comment:

Matt Bruce said...

Or Seattle. Rumor has it Jeremy Reed, Mariners' outfielder, will be a Sock as soon as BOS and SEA can agree on which pitcher to trade him for.

If this rumor is true then the Sox are still in fine shape.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...