04 December 2006

Got our first snow today, most of which melted on contact with the ground. We had a dusting by the time it was over, but once the sun came out it melted. As odd as that was given that we were in the 60s less than a week ago, at least we didn't go the way of the midwest.

Also kind of funny to think that we had snow later in the year than Seattle.

With all this snow business you'd think I'd be more acclimated towards the looming holidays, but I'm not. No good reason for this, just not that enthused. Doesn't help that we're doing a Secret (Santa/Snowflake/non-offensive item of choice) rather than a Yankee Swap at the office this year. I wound up opting out; I don't like buying generic gifts for specific people, and invariably I pull the name of the person I know least well. So I feel kind of grinchy for that. But I suppose I'll brighten up when I finally put up the Festivus pole.

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