13 February 2008

40 Days, 40 Churches

Day 8: St. Paul Parish, Wellesley MA

Staying in Swellesley, St. Paul was the closest church for us from Babson, which is funny as we didn't start going here first. In that old post that I linked to yesterday, I noted the problem that the place was high-churchy but then did hippie things like singing the Lord's Prayer. In retrosepct that wasn't the biggest problem.

The priest there at the time was pretty comfortable speaking out on issues from the pulpit, and he was especially motivated when the same sex marriage thing first happened. It's understandable, given his role, but we started to cross the line when he had parish families come up and talk about how their heterosexual union would be threatened, etc. We didn't need to be prostelytized in our own church (though, based on what I just said, he'd probably disagree).

In any case, it wasn't too long after this happened the first time that we moved on for good. In the priest's case, he's now at the diocese headquarters, working in the vocations office. It's probably a good fit.

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