29 February 2008

I feel like I should do something wacky in honor of February 29. But I have no idea what. A small brainstorming session last night didn't help, as the good ideas seemed to center on doing something with what hair I have left, either coloring or shaving off. Needless to say, I did neither.

Any suggestions for Leap Day wackiness would be appreciated, if only so I can get a jump on 2012.


Scott Monty said...

Bury a time capsule.

Anonymous said...

Go to mass with your girlfriend. Go arm in arm and share a kiss at the sign of the peace. When you arrive, discover that the celebrant is the Archbishop. Do all of this wearing a Roman collar. (That's how I spent leap day 2004.)

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...