14 May 2003

A couple of things to note on the quiz/trash front.

First, there's Cancel Bowl 4: The One With the Whales, the annual guerrila trash thing I've been doing for, well, four years. PROGRAM NOTE: the date's changed to June 28. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as it always is.

Second, and more important from a personal standpoint, is that I've accepted the role of regional college bowl coordinator for ACU-I's region 1 (New England). This should be an interesting challenge given all the organizational differences between CBI and other formats. I've talked through a lot of this with the outgoing coordinator (who will, thankfully, still be in the region and is more than willing to help), and many of the concerns I had going in are now allayed... sort of. It's one thing to have an intellectual handle on things, and quite another to have things work out in practice.

There are also a number of volunteers in the area who've been helping out for some time, which makes my job a little easier on that end. Plus, there are any of number of you, dear readers, who I'll be bothering in the months leading up to things. Heh heh.

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