26 June 2003

I'm on the new Blogger now, and going back to my post last week from the PowerBook I now think that I was accessing the new Blogger interface rather than getting strangeness based on the computer.

I am using the new interface now, and it's OK. I still don't have the buttons that allow you to bold, italicize, or make links. I can do that manually, but it's a hassle.

On the plus side, the new system apparently catches when you try to preview your post and the HTML is messed up - as it did when I forgot to close the link below.

In related computer news, the folks at whatsbetter.com have their new server up and running. It's very fast - go check it out!

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...