21 October 2003

I'm going through the pictures I took while in Ireland, and for every one that I can identify and clearly place, there's one where the reason for taking the picture is less clear. I suppose that's the beauty/curse of the digital camera; you can take so many pictures that you forget what you've shot after a while.

It does appear that I've had some success using the camera's black and white option, as I have some reasonably dramatic (perhaps melodramatic) photos of the Cliffs of Moher and Ross Castle. The sepia option does less for me, I think it's too orange. I didn't use that too much, though.

One feature I wish I'd fooled around with more is the movie function, as I think some of the things we encountered during the trip (especially related to the roads) would be much clearer on video rather than just by photo. Something for next time.

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