01 April 2004

At the risk of more mockery, a quick update on the last two weeks of The Apprentice.

Last week the teams went to Atlantic City with the purpose of getting gamblers to sign up for those swipe/tracking cards and spend as much money as possible. Protege (which is now ironically all guys) used a wheel, a white tiger, and the exclusive right to pick up VIPs in their check-in area to grab a win. The other team had some promotion where you could win a rental of a Chrysler Crossfire. They actually got more people to sign up for cards with them, even with the lamer prize (Protege was giving away $1000), but their folks gambled less.

In the boardroom, Amy took Katrina to the board room, and based on overall performance Amy stayed while Katrina got the wave down to the street. No walking on sunshine for her.

Tonight, the teams had to rent the penthouse at Trump World Plaza (I think that's the name; it was something appropriately megalomaniacal) for a function. Amy and Nick (who were outed to Trump by Katrina) won on the deus ex machina of a previous client with lease issues returning to grab the space. He showed up with about 15 minutes to go, the second time a real estate challenge saw a last-minute taker. Hmm.

Boardroom time, Troy takes in Kwame, interesting in that they've become pretty tight. Troy had spared Kwame before, and I think knew that doing so a second time would be problematic. In the end, Troy got the boot given his slick nature and lack of preparation to be a CEO, even of whatever paper company they're going to wind up running.

Interesting Nick and Amy moment for anyone who cares. Their reward for winning was being sent down to Florida to have lunch and hang out at some resort Trump has down there. They were surprised by being joined by family - Amy's sister and Nick's dad (known, apparently, as Moose). The sitcom rule about idiot dads apparently applied here, as Moose starts talking about Nick's past women in, what he says in an interview, is an attempt to put Amy on notice about Nick's past. Amy looks a little bent out of shape at this, which is funny given that she's been light and breezy with Nick. So some fun for the future, should anyone care.

Next week two folks get the boot - in the first half hour no less - in preparation for the live finale on April 15. Anyone care to wager that the final task will be to do Trump's taxes?

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