30 April 2004

Thanks to those of you who peeked in during my day of IM. I think I'll have to do this more often.

In reasonably unrelated techie news, I'm involved in the beta test for Gmail, Google's web mail application. It's now the address mail from here goes to, so feel free to drop me a line so I can actually try the thing out. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get some stock for my trouble. Right.

Played my first round of miniature golf of the season tonight. though unlike some people, I didn't get a trophy for it. I did manage to eke out a win over the missus by one stroke. Like Jon in his recently reported round of golf, I was bitten by a couple of lip-outs (including the 18th, no free golf for me). But there were plenty of other times where I just stank. We played at this place called the Village Green on Route 9 in Natick, which has a New England/colonial theme. If you ever wanted to putt through the Massachusetts State House, or under the Bunker Hill monument, this place is for you.

We then rented a couple of movies, first watching Something's Gotta Give, which was OK for something whose plot was derived mainly from a sitcom-type contrivance. Keaton was pretty good (Oscar nod-worthy, not sure), though Frances McDormand was great for the 10 minutes or so she was in the thing.

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For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...