21 April 2004

High drama on American Idol tonight, and like Comic Book Guy I've taken to the Internet mere minutes afterwards to register my disgust (well, OK, I'm not disgusted, just surprised).

Similar to what they did a couple of weeks ago, the kids are herded into two groups. The three "divas," Jennifer, Fantasia and LaToya, are in one group, while the leftovers (John, Diana, and Jasmine) are in the other. George, who is the last one called, is told he's safe and is instructed to join the top group. Note that he is not told which group that is.

After a little hesitation, George wanders over to the diva group. Somewhere, the producers smile. For you see, he's made the same assumption the rest of us have, and in the words of Lee Corso, "Not so fast, my friend!". The leftovers were the top half this week. Which means it's time to lose a diva.

(Apropos of not much, I would like to see a week where the ESPN College Gameday trio switch places with the AI judges. Corso would have to be Simon to Herbstreit's Paula.)

Turns out we lose Jennifer Hudson, who in a previous week had been the top vote getter (I'm guessing the Elton John week). Reaction from the leftover group is more muted than in the past when they were spared. John looks somewhat less bewildered at cheating eviction for another week, while Diana has apparently learned something about winning gracefully, not being quite so much Miss American Idol when she finds out she's safe.

So there you have it, an even split between reasonably talented and utter crap. And I think I just might start rooting for the crap.

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