27 April 2004

Gloria Estefan brought her Latin beats to American Idol, along with the Miami Sound Machine to back the kids. Which at least meant that the music was pretty good. The singing... not so much.

No one really stood out tonight, though the usually less crappy singers were, as you'd expect, less crappy. Which means any one of them could get the axe this week, freeing us up for another week of John Stevens: Ghost Vocalist. Man, I think he gets paler every week.

This may be the week he finally gets shown the door, though I'll guess Jasmine Trias, for no good reason other than she's stopped wearing a flower in her hair. That was her gimmick for being from Hawaii, which the image folks on the show have finally beaten out of her. Now that she's lost the source of her power, how can she go on?

Oh, and there's another live tour planned for this summer. For your own safety, you should remain at least 500 yards away from any possible concert venues at all times.

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