19 May 2004

Among other things, mid-May is when the broadcast networks do their upfronts, presentations to announce their schedules for the coming season. The hope being that, with the mix of returning shows and bright new ones, critics will praise and advertisers will write big fat checks.

To this point, three networks have presented - NBC, ABC, and the WB. While most of the new shows display originality that runs the gamut from A to B, there are a couple of new shows that caught my eye. And not in a good way.

First, there's NBC's Father of the Pride, an animated show about the lives of the Siegfried and Roy's tigers. I don't think I really need to go on, do I?

The other is the WB's Commando Nanny. This is apparently based on the real-life experience of Mark Burnett. This explains the "depth" (and illogic) of many of the emotions displayed on Survivor and The Apprentice - he learned from working with five year olds. Gerald McRaney passes on the fatigues, as he goes from being Major Dad to Rich Jerk Dad.

I was under the impression that Commando Nanny aired right after Admiral Baby.

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