04 May 2004

Got my first set of three questions, thanks to Greg Sorenson:

1. What one question in your life are you most sick of people asking you?

Right now, it's "when is your Millionaire episode going to air?" I like that people are interested, but when I've answered the question 4 or 5 times for the same person, it gets old. Listening is at least as fundamental as reading.

2. What was the first *compact disc* you purchased?

It's a tie: Mermaid Avenue by Billy Bragg and Wilco, and Painted From Memory by Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach.

3. What, if any, (movie/show/book) kept you up all night scared?

Summer 1980. It's a hot and sticky night, and the power's gone out. For whatever reason, I could not get the sinister cat-eye drawings from the Choose Your Own Adventure book The Mystery of Chimney Rock out of my head. (Yes, I was a dorky kid, too.)

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