03 May 2004

As sometimes happens when you watch TV, you see something that triggers a memory. For better or worse, my most recent example of this is snack food related.

Last night we were watching an episode of Unwrapped about snacks, and they went to the Wise plant to see them make Cheez Doodles. This got me thinking of another Wise product which I hadn't seen in years, which had these wafery cracker type things sandwiching an orange cheese food-type product which should have been on some sort of USDA watch list.

This led me to get on the Wise website, and discover that the product, known as Cheeze Waffies, still exist. I don't know why it's 'waffies' rather than 'waffles' (which would make more sense given how they're shaped), but they're apparently still out there. A quick scan of the supermarket shelves this evening didn't turn them up. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's probably for the best.

If you happen to see them in your travels, let me know. I'd be interested to see where exactly they turn up.

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