05 May 2004

Three more questions to answer, courtesy of W. Scott Monty:

1) What is your favorite breakfast cereal?

A tough one! If forced to choose one, I'd go with peanut butter Cap'n Crunch. This elicited an "eewwww" from Scott, which just means more cereal for me.

2) If you could live anywhere in the country, where would you choose to live?

Somewhere coastal between Salem and Newburyport, MA (I grew up in a town on the coast between the two). Wouldn't have to be right on the water, but I'd like to be able to see the ocean every day.

3) What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? (European, if you must know).

According to this article, 11 m/sec or approximately 24 mph.

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